God, Englishmen, she thought. Morals at the worse times. He looked soft. Hair mussed, lips red. He was flushing, red up his cheeks. Fists clenched slightly as though he wanted to touch again.
Copyright Olivia Orndorff 2021
Here’s your final sneak peek 😉
God, Englishmen, she thought. Morals at the worse times. He looked soft. Hair mussed, lips red. He was flushing, red up his cheeks. Fists clenched slightly as though he wanted to touch again. Copyright Olivia Orndorff 2021
Later that night, his mother pronounced the event a success before heading upstairs. His father chuckled. His sister danced up the stairs with so much joy. He left walking out into the dark sky. He should have danced with other ladies. He should have called on others. He shouldn’t have taken Clara to see her. He shouldn’t have gone to the opera. Mrs. Ash was showing him how easy it was to get trapped in the game and how much she did not want to play.
Still, he thought with a smile, that was some dress. Copyright Olivia Orndorff 2021 Here’s another teaser 😊
She rode well as benefitted a cavalry officer’s wife, he supposed. He wondered what drove her out of bed in the morning. It had been disconcerting to see her with only a lone footman out so early. She had the same smile whether she was in a ballroom, study, or on a horseback. As if all suited equally, or none at all. Copyright Olivia Orndorff 2021 Here’s a teaser in preparation for Middle Ground coming out May 1! Just two weeks to go!
Eveline had surprised most of society when she had danced the waltz before getting the nod by the Matrons of the Almanac. Robert hadn’t told her. Either way, last time, the Matrons had only fluttered fans and muttered quietly but no one gave Eveline or Robert the cut direct. It was widely assumed she had already been the permissions when she had danced in polite society abroad. She had never danced in polite society before England. Some days, she missed the dancing of her youth. Copyright Olivia Orndorff 2021 ![]() In honor of National Poetry Month, I wanted to share the collection of poetry I am currently enjoying. Over the past year, I kept seeing lines of poetry from Mary Oliver in numerous places from research texts to Instagram accounts. I’ve found it’s one of those odd things about books or really any art. Even a prolific or cannon writer may not always be one I stumble on, or it may not the right time. Receiving Oliver’s compilation of work as a gift turned out to be a gift at the right time. Complied by the poet, who unfortunately passed away in 2019, Devotions was created and arranged by Oliver. I have taken my cue from the title and used it as a way to start my morning. While I have struggled in many ways with the idea of faith and with the structure of religion, beginning the day with a poem and one by Oliver who focuses so much on nature, on spirituality through the senses, and wonder, I have found it as centering. What poetry have you been loving this month? |
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