First, let me start by saying thank you! Thank you to everyone who stopped by the website, who purchased one of my books, favorited me on Smashwords, and wrote a review.
It’s always so surreal to finalize a project—and even more so with the way the entire world has seemed to be in upheaval over the past year. I remember when I first started this blog, a little over five years ago, and I wasn’t sure where any of this would end up. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to build the life I wanted, I wasn’t sure where my next paycheck would come from.

When I first started to explore self-publishing, it was something that I needed as a way to balance out the job applications, the insurmountable denials, and staring down life after college. Now I write for different reasons, but I still write. I still have to make time, carve out moments to the plot, research, edit, format—and then, oh right, actually write. And then write again.
It’s easy to get mired down in what I haven’t done—yet this is a moment for me to realize not everything may be possible at once, but commitment does bear root over time. Little by little, I write. Little by little, I can add yet another book to my shelf.