Now this happens to me. At a couple points in the draft, I will throw my hands up and declare I will never write another word. I will be convinced my story is terrible, everything is terrible. Usually I give it a few days, I come back and get back to work.
It hasn't worked this time. Unfortunately a good solid 2,000 words in the draft will need to be scrapped. Just not working for me. While it is frustrating to have to go back and essentially re-write, I know I need to get this sorted out now before moving on.
The title of the post is "Graveyard," and I'm blanking on who came up with the concept. Essentially the idea is to name a document, or folder, and have it the designated place for all the outtakes in a given story. The concept is nice because then the pieces and parts don't get lost. This story is a first, yet again, in the number of outtakes.
I always know its the right move to start again though if the words come easier, and suddenly it all clicks. Oh well, guess I just get to do my 40k happy dance all over again.