It’s been quiet on the blog, I know. Hopefully, I’ll now post on a more regular basis. I’ve been working furiously on finishing up my graduate program am done with that (yay!). I figured this would translate into more productivity here or my own work, but all I’ve been doing is watching the Great British Bakeshow and going down the rabbit hole over at Archive of Our Own.
I’ve finished up the draft of my current work in progress. This one is number five. Normally I don’t work that way. I do some plotting, some world building, go to town, and then start writing, then editing. This time I got five (5!) substantial drafts of the same work. This story was different with a first person narrative, and the characters were being stubborn. I like where it’s at though and will start editing now.
The work is set in the future and is based on the assumption humanity doesn’t change its ways and the repercussions from that—essentially post global warming, post genetic modification, post nation states—provide the setting for a powerful character.
I’ve found a lot of my stories really do start to fall back on that phrase attributed to John Gardner. There are only two kinds of stories: "A hero goes on a journey or a stranger comes to town." This story is a mix of both.
Keep an eye on the blog, or follow me on twitter for more updates!