Almost two months, I updated the blog with the next book. I also (foolishly) put out a release date of October 31.
You may have noticed no book.
This process, as I have alluded to before, all comes from me. As a self-published author that does this for her own benefit that means every step in the process is done by me. There is a lot I enjoy about it, but it also means when the rubber hits the road, it is also all on me. The release date for October 31 was ambitious. A part of me really wanted to be done so then I could perfectly segue into National Novel Writing Month. In the end, neither happened and I’m instead just sitting down to write this blog post.
I don’t like not meeting deadlines--even self-imposed ones. If this experience, and really year, has taught me anything it is to appreciate the small moments over the bigger ones. Setting the date for October ended up overwhelming me, and I did nothing instead of the something I had managed over the previous months. I hope everyone is also learning to give themselves some grace in not being able to accomplish everything their hearts and minds want too. I am definitely still learning.
Once I have a more concrete date, I will make sure to update all the things. I hope to also begin sharing with you more about the book and the cover art! I’m excited for the story and hope to have it to you soon!